Fundamentalism versus Apostasy
Liberty Fundamental Baptist Church of Whatcom County, Washington, is most desirous of maintaining a ministry in our community that is loyal to the Bible as the Word of God. It shall ever be vigilant to keep out of its pulpit, its offices and committees, its teaching staff, and its membership any person who questions or denies the following cardinal doctrines of the Christian faith:
Separation versus Worldliness
Liberty Fundamental Baptist Church of Whatcom County, Washington, believes that the Lord Jesus Christ, Who is the Head of the Church, deserves the very best in love and loyalty from each of its members. This church, therefore, looks upon all forms of worldliness with disfavor. It holds that any action, attitude, association or affection which hinders spiritual growth, and an ever-deepening knowledge and intimacy with Jesus Christ, should be laid aside. The ministry of this church in all of its preaching and teaching urges its members to “...lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith.”
We further believe that there is victory for each believer within this fellowship, and the power to live free from those things which grieve the heart of our Savior, and to live, by the help and enabling of the indwelling Holy Spirit, lives that are pleasing to Him Who loved us and gave Himself for us.
Our desire is that this church be known throughout our county as a church that is different from many churches with respect to this matter of worldliness and compromise. And we sincerely believe these things to be the clear teaching of Scripture for all professing Christians.
While some of our members may forget at times their high calling in Christ Jesus and engage in things unbecoming as a Christian, nevertheless, the great body of this church should ever be known throughout this county as one whose members seek to live separated lives unto the Lord.
Fundamentalism versus Apostasy
Liberty Fundamental Baptist Church of Whatcom County, Washington, is most desirous of maintaining a ministry in our community that is loyal to the Bible as the Word of God. It shall ever be vigilant to keep out of its pulpit, its offices and committees, its teaching staff, and its membership any person who questions or denies the following cardinal doctrines of the Christian faith:
- The Verbal, Plenary Inspiration and Authority of the Sacred Scriptures
- The Creation of the Universe by the Direct Act of God, Free from any Evolutionary Process
- The Eternal Existence of God the Father
- The Eternal Deity and Godhood of Jesus Christ
- The Virgin Conception/Birth and Absolute Sinlessness of Jesus Christ
- The Sacrificial Death by the Shedding of the Blood of Jesus Christ for the sins of all mankind
- The Literal, Bodily, Physical Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the Dead
- The Eternal Deity and Personhood of the Holy Spirit
- Salvation by God’s Grace Through Faith Alone in the Savior Jesus Christ
- The Reality of Heaven as the Eternal Home of the Redeemed, and a Literal Hell as the Eternal Torment of the Unsaved
Separation versus Worldliness
Liberty Fundamental Baptist Church of Whatcom County, Washington, believes that the Lord Jesus Christ, Who is the Head of the Church, deserves the very best in love and loyalty from each of its members. This church, therefore, looks upon all forms of worldliness with disfavor. It holds that any action, attitude, association or affection which hinders spiritual growth, and an ever-deepening knowledge and intimacy with Jesus Christ, should be laid aside. The ministry of this church in all of its preaching and teaching urges its members to “...lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith.”
We further believe that there is victory for each believer within this fellowship, and the power to live free from those things which grieve the heart of our Savior, and to live, by the help and enabling of the indwelling Holy Spirit, lives that are pleasing to Him Who loved us and gave Himself for us.
Our desire is that this church be known throughout our county as a church that is different from many churches with respect to this matter of worldliness and compromise. And we sincerely believe these things to be the clear teaching of Scripture for all professing Christians.
While some of our members may forget at times their high calling in Christ Jesus and engage in things unbecoming as a Christian, nevertheless, the great body of this church should ever be known throughout this county as one whose members seek to live separated lives unto the Lord.