Preface to doctrinal statement
What LFBC believes about. . .
The Scriptures
The True God
God the Father
The Lord Jesus Christ
The Holy Spirit
Angels and the Devil
The Doctrine of Man
The Doctrine of Sin
God’s Provision for Sin
The Universal Body of Christ and the Local Church
The Ordinances
Family Matters and Relationships
Marriage and Divorce
The Eternal Security and Assurance of the Saint
Civil Government
Future Events and the Eternal State
Authority of the Articles of Faith and Doctrinal Statement
**Note - This is not the totality of LFBC beliefs. The Church Board is currently reviewing the bylaws, constitution, and doctrinal statement for up to date revisions. Please contact the church for church membership procedures. Thank you.
What LFBC believes about. . .
The Scriptures
The True God
God the Father
The Lord Jesus Christ
The Holy Spirit
Angels and the Devil
The Doctrine of Man
The Doctrine of Sin
God’s Provision for Sin
The Universal Body of Christ and the Local Church
The Ordinances
Family Matters and Relationships
Marriage and Divorce
The Eternal Security and Assurance of the Saint
Civil Government
Future Events and the Eternal State
Authority of the Articles of Faith and Doctrinal Statement
**Note - This is not the totality of LFBC beliefs. The Church Board is currently reviewing the bylaws, constitution, and doctrinal statement for up to date revisions. Please contact the church for church membership procedures. Thank you.